The online store is the property of HU-RO S.R.L. headquartered in Loc.Sansimion, Sat Sansimion, Str. Principal No. 79 from Harghita County registered at the Trade Register Office attached to the Harghita Tribunal under no. J19 / 586 / 28.06.1994, CUI: RO5874966. The company is a VAT payer.

The general terms and conditions set forth below will apply to all sales of produced by HU-RO S.R.L. through the virtual store to the Buyer and can be modified at any time by HU-RO S.R.L.

Please read these "Terms and Conditions" carefully and visit this section periodically to be aware of the changes made, so that you can make informed decisions when choosing to place an order.

The contractual relations between the trader (seller) and the Consumer (Buyer) are governed by the Romanian Law on Consumer Protection (Law 363/2007), the Law on Electronic Commerce (Law 365/2002) and the Ordinance on Internet Shopping (Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2014).



Consumer (Buyer) - natural person / legal person or other legal entity that issues an Order, and within the meaning of GO. no. 34/2014 - any natural person or group of natural persons constituted in associations, as defined in art. 2 point 2 of the Government Ordinance no. 21/1992 on consumer protection, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions.

Merchant (Seller) - HU-RO S.R.L.

Client - natural person / legal person who has or obtains access to the Site, through any means of communication provided by HU-RO S.R.L. or on the basis of an existing use agreement between HU-RO S.R.L. and this and which requires the creation and use of an account.

 Account - the section of the site accessed through an e-mail address and a password that allows

To the Buyer the transmission of the Order and which contains information about the Client / Buyer and the Buyer's history on the Site (Orders, fiscal invoices, etc.). 

Site - domain and its subdomains.

Goods and Services - any product or service, including the documents and services mentioned in the Order, to be provided by the subscriber to you as a buyer.


- an electronic document that intervenes as a form of communication between the subscriber - as a seller and you

- as a buyer, by which the subscriber agrees to deliver the Goods and Services and you.

 - as a buyer, you agree to receive these Goods and Services and to pay for them.

Agreement - an Order confirmed by the undersigned.


Distance agreement - the contract for the supply of products or services concluded between a trader (seller) and a consumer (buyer), within a sales system organized by the trader, who uses exclusively, before and at the conclusion of this contract, one or more distance communication techniques.

Completion of the distance purchase contract - the contract is considered concluded when the seller accepts and confirms the order given by the buyer. From the moment the seller accepts the order, a contract is concluded between the parties with legal effects and with rights and obligations on both parties, as they are defined in the contract or in the general business conditions, which are an integral part of this contract. 


For questions and additional information, please enter the Contact page and choose one of the contact methods.


The company is a VAT payer, the prices are expressed in lei, the taxes being included, except for the equivalent value of the shipping costs (which you can also find in the chapter Transport and payment).

The products remain the full property of HU-RO S.R.L. until full payment of their price to HU-RO S.R.L.

It is very important to remember that the promotional offers are valid exclusively within the time period mentioned for those offers or within the available stock.

Prices are subject to change during the year. The ordered products will be invoiced at the price in force at the time of order registration.


The products presented on this Site are valid within the available stocks, and some products can also be ordered along the way and comply with European and Romanian legislation in force.

We inform you that you can cancel the order or change it, by contacting us by phone at 0724070475 or 0726973531 from Monday to Friday between 08:00 -17: 00 or by e-mail at


- Order on site

- Order by phone




According to the Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2014 Article 9 para. (1), you have the right to return the product without invoking a reason and without incurring other costs than those provided in art. 13 paragraph (3) and art. 14 of GEO No. 34/2014, within 14 days starting with the day you enter the physical possession of the product. Return costs will be borne by you.

According to the legislation in force, the withdrawal from the contract (return of products) is applicable only to individual customers.

General return conditions

- The product must be returned in the same condition in which it was delivered (in the original packaging, sealed, in unaltered condition, without damage, without defects, except for hidden defects).

- The product must be accompanied by the original invoice or a copy after it.

- The product must be returned without a refund option.

If the returned product is returned in a condition that no longer allows

its subsequent sale, it will be reshipped to the buyer, who will bear the costs of reshipment, without returning its value.

- The goods can be returned to our headquarters within 14 days from the date of receipt of the product (cf. art. 9 / OG106 / 1999).

-The money will be returned by bank transfer within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the return package, less the cost of the initial shipment.



The information of any kind provided by you to the subscriber will remain the property subscribed. They can only be used for the execution of the contract / Order.

No public statement, promotion, press release or any other form of disclosure to third parties will be made by you regarding the order without the prior written consent of the subscriber.

By transmitting information or materials through this site, you offer the subscriber unrestricted and irrevocable access to them, the right to use, reproduce, display, modify, transmit and distribute this material or information. You also agree that the subscriber may freely use, in his or her own interest, these ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques that you have sent us through the HU-RO S.R.L. will not be subject to obligations regarding the confidentiality of the information sent, if the legislation in force does not provide other specifications in this regard.

The data communicated by you will not be provided, in any form, to third parties.



According to the laws regarding the ownership of literary and artistic rights or other similar rights, all elements, trademarks, names, designs, logos, graphics, etc ... that are found on this site, constitute the exclusive property of HU-RO S.R.L. or its suppliers, who do not grant any license or any right other than to consult the site.

Reproduction or use, in whole or in part, of these items is permitted only for the sole purpose of strictly personal and private information, any reproduction or use of copies of these items made for other purposes is expressly prohibited. Any other use will be considered fraudulent forgery and will be sanctioned according to the legislation in force.

This contract is governed by Romanian law.

The language of this contract is Romanian.

The terms and conditions presented in this section are binding on all who access, browse and use, in any way, the site

In the situation in which the litigations will appear, the competent courts are the courts in Romania.

HU-RO S.R.L. cannot be held responsible for non-performance of the contract concluded in case of exhaustion of stock or unavailability of the product, in case of force majeure, total or partial disturbances and strikes, especially of postal services and means of transport and / or communication, non-functioning of the site for reasons not attributable to the subscriber .because of hosting).

Minors will not be able to place orders. Orders for minors must be approved by the parents. In case of accidental collection of a minor's personal data, the parents have the capacity to oppose their storage and / or use.

Hypertext links may lead the user to other sites than the current HU-RO S.R.L. declines all responsibility in cases where their content contravenes the legal provisions and regulations in force.

We would like to inform you that any creation of hypertext links to the home page of this site or any other page of the Site may be made only with the express and prior written consent of HU-RO S.R.L.

HU-RO S.R.L. reserves the right to adapt or modify at any time these general conditions of sale. The new general conditions of sale will be, when necessary, brought to the customer's attention through online changes and will be applicable only to sales made after the change.

HU-RO S.R.L. tries to ensure the accuracy and updating of the information on this site, reserving the right to change their content at any time, without notice.

At the same time, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of the information provided to you through this Site.

Therefore, we disclaim any responsibility for:

- any inaccuracy, inaccuracy or omission regarding the information available on the Site;

- any damage resulting from the fraudulent entry of a third party who has made a change in the information made available to you on the Site;

-and in general, any direct or indirect damage, regardless of its cause, origins, nature or consequences, caused due to the access of any person on the Site or the impossibility of accessing, using and / or trusting any information directly or indirectly from the latter.

These general conditions of sale regulate exclusively the sale of products proposed by the Site. These are systematically accessible to the buyer on this Site, when registering the order.

Therefore, sending the order implies the acceptance by the buyer of the general conditions of sale.

The subscriber will always be responsible to you - as the buyer for all contractual obligations.